Born in 2017 by Aitor Gabilondo, Alea Media is an audiovisual production company crafting high-caliber fiction that reflects the real world.

We believe in the enduring power of a good story, the kind that lingers long after the credits roll. Stories that spark questions, not spoon-feed answers, and leave you shaken awake and challenged. 

Alea Media’s track record proves audiences crave bold storytelling and meticulous craftsmanship. We’ve shown that quality and a wide viewership can absolutely go hand-in-hand. Our success extends beyond open television – three Alea productions, including two seasons of “Wrong Side of the Tracks” and “Muted”, even cracked Netflix’s global top 100 list.

Aitor Gabilondo

Aitor Gabilondo

Aitor Gabilondo, founder and CEO of Alea, stands as one of Spain’s most celebrated audiovisual fiction creators. For decades, he has been weaving captivating stories and crafting unforgettable characters that linger in the hearts and minds of viewers. His signature style has been evident since his debut with “Periodistas,” through his work on “El Príncipe,” “Wrong Side of the Tracks,” and “Patria,” the latter of which garnered him accolades such as the Premio Platino, Premio Forqué, Premio Feroz, and a Premio Ondas. Additionally, actress Ane Gabarain received an Emmy nomination for her outstanding performance.

For Aitor, “fiction helps us understand reality,” and his creative commitment lies in crafting stories that make a difference. “I’m drawn to challenges to the conscience, because that’s what fiction is for – to talk about things that people don’t talk about or can’t talk about. Making uncomfortable series is an essential part of Alea’s DNA,” he affirms.

Aitor Gabilondo

Aitor Gabilondo, founder and CEO of Alea, stands as one of Spain’s most celebrated audiovisual fiction creators. For decades, he has been weaving captivating stories and crafting unforgettable characters that linger in the hearts and minds of viewers. His signature style has been evident since his debut with “Periodistas,” through his work on “El Príncipe,” “Wrong Side of the Tracks,” and “Patria,” the latter of which garnered him accolades such as the Premio Platino, Premio Forqué, Premio Feroz, and a Premio Ondas. Additionally, actress Ane Gabarain received an Emmy nomination for her outstanding performance.

Aitor Gabilondo

For Aitor, “fiction helps us understand reality,” and his creative commitment lies in crafting stories that make a difference. “I’m drawn to challenges to the conscience, because that’s what fiction is for – to talk about things that people don’t talk about or can’t talk about. Making uncomfortable series is an essential part of Alea’s DNA,” he affirms.